8 & 9 june 2024
A mature cottage garden with views of the church, offering mature trees, roses, shrubs, climbers and perennials. Rose enclosure to front, small pond to rear. Lots of seating. Early Bird bacon butties; tea & coffee 11am to noon; baked potatoes with fillings, salad or ploughmans & salad. Bar with Pimms, wines, beers & soft drinks. Monies raised support the fabric of St. Peter's Church.
Partial wheelchair access.
Art: Annie McMullan; Polly Raynes, Sarah Vosmer, Wendy Baker, Jodie Earthey; Chris Brooks; Ann Stern
Music: The Minogues; The Rude Mechanicals; In The Pink; Liege & Lief; Earwig Corner
Open Saturday and Sunday
Partial wheelchair access.
Art: Annie McMullan; Polly Raynes, Sarah Vosmer, Wendy Baker, Jodie Earthey; Chris Brooks; Ann Stern
Music: The Minogues; The Rude Mechanicals; In The Pink; Liege & Lief; Earwig Corner
Open Saturday and Sunday